Monday, March 11, 2013

Light-CT™ Computed Tomography provides 2D and 3D digital images of tissue microstructure without modifying tissue

LLTech’s Light-CT™ Computed Tomography provides 2D and 3D digital images of tissue microstructure without modifying tissue.

Light-CT™ uses white light to scan beneath the surface of tissue. It does not require any tissue preparation, modification, or staining of any kind. Images are provided within minutes thanks to a non-destructive process, whereas histology (the current Gold Standard) takes several hours or days, and requires an actual slicing of the sample. The images offer a cellular resolution of 1 µm in all 3 dimensions. 3D views can be reconstructed and displayed using a standard DICOM viewer.

Light-CT™ technology produces high quality images that are comparable to histology.

The Light-CT™ scanner is an automated system. Image acquisition and calibration are automatic. Light-CT™ captures “en face” images directly using a megapixel camera and a pair of microscope objectives. Light-CT™ derives from low coherence interference microscopy. The interferometer can be displaced to step the focal plane through different depths beneath the surface to create a 3D tomographic image. “En face” capture allows Light-CT™ to operate with high lateral resolution (typically ~1µm) using medium or large aperture microscope objectives. An incoherent light source illuminates the whole field of the microscope objectives. Due to the low temporal coherence of the source, interference occurs only when the optical path lengths of the two arms of the interferometer are identical within 1µm. When a biological sample is placed under the microscope objective in the sample arm, the light reflected by the reference mirror interferes with the light reflected or backscattered by the sample structures contained in a limited volume. Real time signal processing is applied during depth exploration of the sample. The image stack is thereby optimized to allow 3D imaging.

Purpose of device: digital imaging of tissue microstructure including the border between the stratum corneum and the epidermis
Main application: medical practices
Price range: $120-$150,000

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